My research program focuses on understanding the generative processes behind phenotypic evolution. I focus on understanding the interplay between evolution and development in shaping vertebrate phenotype. The goal of this work is to understand evolutionary responses of species to changing environments, by elucidating what they can and cannot do phenotypically. I do this through a combination of empirical studies of fossil and living wild rodents, controlled experiments on lab mice, and through in silico modeling of developmental processes. In addition to work on rodents, I also maintain a research interest in understanding the evolution and biogeography of turtles.
At present I am a NIH IRACDA Postdoctoral Fellow, in the Center for Inclusive Education, at Stony Brook University. My postdoctoral research is conducted in collaboration with Dr. Natasha S. Vitek (Department of Ecology & Evolution) and Dr. Christopher J. Percival (Department of Anthropology).